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Lemon "Cui", Benefits and popularity

Although small, this fruit has a benefit that is not "tiny". Pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, household until needed. Unfortunately, he rarely appeared on the market. In general, the lemon-juice - such as citron, rough lemon, lime or lemon madurese black - indeed a mini-sized. As for the usual kitchen activists cultivate fish dish, lemon Cui is not foreign goods. Because, besides functioning expel smells fishy, this tiny orange can also give flavor penggugah appetite.
Like most citrus, lemon Cui rich in vitamin C and calcium. Special, the lemon tree is very productive and able to bear fruit throughout the season. He was a small round shape, the size of a lemon with a very sour taste. When a young dark-green. After the older, more delicate skin of the fruit become soft and resembles a mini-sized field siam citrus, while the color is transformed to become yellowish. Succulent fruit flesh with the scent quite a lot of sharp and durable. Because the smell of this, the Madurese Cui so often cultivate lemon fragrances, traditional room.
This little orange juice can also be used to mix the water when washing hair. The result? More slippery hair shiny and not dull. The rest, like orange juice, if juice mixed with a tablespoon of soy sauce, able to quickly expel cough.
Cui branched stems of lemon and a lot of fluff. If allowed to grow out, branches and twigs will soar irregular. Therefore, pruning should be done. Dark-colored trunk was not spiked, while the leaves are likely to face up size 2-3 cm and 1-2 cm wide. Dark green color with a rounded shape.
Useful addition to grain processing which is made from fish, Cui lemon can also be processed so drink fresh orange or lemon tea. He is very fit to drive your thirst at the same time refreshing the weary body.
If so, why do not we try to grow it yourself? This plant is very sweet made tabulampot (fruit trees in pots). When fruiting heavily, his appearance really does not disappoint.
Preparation plant
Cui lemon seedlings can be obtained from breeder seeds of fruits. Seeds can be derived from vegetative propagation, whether grafting, graft, or a connection. Pot size should be adjusted to the size of the plant.
Growing media used is a fertile garden soil. Could also be a mixture of soil, sand, and manure (1:1:1). Before planting the seeds, cover your basic hole pot with a broken tile, then topped with another layer of gravel and sand sufficiently. Then enter this growing media with just one-third volume.
Then, pangkaslah some lemon seedling roots Cui. Do not get there too long taproot. Place the seeds in the middle of the pot, then fill in the planting media anymore. Siramlah with a little water to keep the ground solid.
Cui lemon tabulampot require sunlight. Penyinarannya needs approximately five hours each day. Therefore, tabulampot put in a position that is not too shady and do regular watering.
If tabulampot lemon 3-4 year-old Cui, repotting should be done. The trick, first cut as many as a third branch of the plant. Let the soil dry for 2-3 days, without watering. Lift the plant and dispose of some land. Do not forget, prepare a new pot that is larger and - of course - new planting media. Fill pots with soil replacement, and then buried again Cui lemon.
To be able to bear these tiny plants productive, do the fertilizing once every four months. In the first four months of age, spread as much as 25 grams of NPK per plant. Then, in accordance with the increasing age of the plant, fertilizer dose increased to 50 grams, 100 grams, 400 grams, and so on.
In addition to fertilizing, pruning is also done. In addition to increasing the productivity of fruits, pruning is also intended to enhance your appearance. Ideally, the proportion perbatangan tabulampot Cui is a lemon, 3, and 9 which will result in 27 tertiary branches or twigs. That is, one main stem 50-100 cm tall branches only have three balanced primary position (length of primary branches 30-50 cm) and nine secondary branches. Thus, other branches or twigs thrown away. Conception will occur on the tertiary branches.
Caterpillar pests
Cui rarely affected Lemons almost free of pests and diseases. Even if there is, the only nuisance is Papilio caterpillars. These soft animals to attack young leaves and shoots are leafless. Very annoying if left just like that, the level of the worm attacks could increase in intensity and leaves, leaving only a skeleton bone. Consequently, total plant so bald and eventually die.
When young, these caterpillars are brown. He changed the form of green and white stripes, while adults 50-60 mm in length. To control, growers need to observe the conditions of this tabulampot regularly. If you find a caterpillar Papilio 1-2, can directly kill. However, if the number of lots and classified as an acute attack, can be eradicated with insecticides. However, should remain vigilant when doing the spraying, do not be affected fruit.
People say, the popularity of these cute fruit was uphill, due to start rival lime. The researchers also began thinking about the development of seedless lemon Cui. Not surprisingly, many advantages can indeed tempting fruit market at the same time making it competitive commodities. Moreover, Indonesia has a climate suited him. So what are you waiting? (Rk. Utami).


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